Foods for Diabetes

18 Best Foods for Diabetes

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Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way the body breaks down sugar and makes insulin. People with diabetes need to be careful with their diet as it plays a major role in managing diabetes. Diabetes can be a difficult condition to live with. Below are some foods that can help people manage their blood sugar. Today in this article, we will discuss the best foods for diabetes to eat. When diabetes isn’t well managed, you increase your risk for several serious diseases. Eating foods that help keep blood sugar, insulin and inflammation manageable can reduce your chance of complications.

In 2011, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Since then, I have researched and experimented with my diet and lifestyle to manage it and live healthily. One of the most important factors in managing blood sugar is following a balanced diet with appropriate carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. There is no alternative to following a mindful, nutritious diet. Following are 18 diabetes-friendly foods.


Avocados are high in healthy fats, fiber & few carbs, which is why it’s possible to eat them without worrying about their effects on blood sugar levels. It is a nutrient-dense fruit that can be added to many dishes, including sandwiches, salads, and smoothies. Avocados are high in fat, but this fat comes from monounsaturated fats, which are healthy fats that can help increase HDL cholesterol levels. This type of fat also helps lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.

Avocation B is a fat molecule found only in avocados and has been found to inhibit incomplete oxidation in skeletal muscle and the pancreas, which reduces insulin resistance. Researchers believe that this study is the first step towards developing a drug to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. This discovery may be the most important breakthrough in diabetes research since the discovery of insulin.

It makes avocados a perfect snack for people with diabetes. The disease is strongly connected to obesity, so eat something nutritional like avocados to keep your diabetes under control. Avocados are the perfect fruit. They are low in sugar, high in fiber and full of healthy fats. So it’s no wonder that avocados are becoming more popular as a snack food for people with diabetes.

Summary: Avocados are low in sugar and, as well as being associated with an improved diet, avocados may also have components that lower the risk of diabetes.

Fatty Fish

Besides being diabetic friendly, it is one of the healthiest food on the planet. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish are great sources of energy, improve heart health, and help brain function. Aside from the health benefits, these fish are delicious and easy to prepare. Therefore, it is important for the treatment of people living with diabetes to eat healthy fats regularly. A healthy fat diet is considered good to protect blood vessels and prevent problems like heart disease and stroke. DHA & EPA protect the cells that line your blood vessels, reduce markers of inflammation and lower blood sugar levels.

Research indicates that people who eat fatty fish regularly have a lower risk for acute coronary syndromes, like heart attacks, and are less likely to die from heart disease. Study after study reveals that people who eat fatty fish at least once a week have a lower risk of heart disease. One study shows that eating fatty fish like sardines or mackerel can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 44%. Another study found that people who ate fatty fish at least once per week were 45% less likely to die from heart disease. In addition, fatty fish consumption had significant improvements in post-meal blood sugar levels compared with participants who consumed lean fish.

Summary: Fatty fish is a fantastic source of omega-3 fats, which help combat inflammation and other risk factors for heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. They are also high in protein which regulates blood sugar levels.

Greek Yogurt

The health benefits of Greek yogurt for a diabetic person are numerous. The probiotics found in dairy products boost immune system function and regulate digestion. Yogurt also has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar that other dairy products may. However, it’s important to check the label before purchasing yogurt to find one with low sugar content.

New research has found that eating a daily serving of yogurt is linked to a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study involved more than 100,000 participants, and it took place over the course of ten years in Bulgaria and the Netherlands. Participants who ate one serving of yogurt each day had an 18% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The benefits of yogurt are well-documented. The high levels of calcium, protein and a special type of fat called conjugated linolic acid (CLA) found in yogurt may help reduce your appetite. What’s more, Greek yogurt contains only 6–8 grams of sugar per serving, which is far less than other types of yogurts on the market today.

Summary: Eating Greek yogurt has been proven to decrease your risk of heart disease, keep your blood sugar levels healthy and promote weight loss.


Squash, which has many varieties, is one of the healthiest vegetables around. The dense, filling food is fairly low in calories and has a low glycemic index. Winter varieties have a hard shell and include acorn, pumpkin, and butternut. Summer squash has a soft peel that can be eaten as well.

Squash is also low in calories and has a low glycemic index, making it a perfect food for diabetes or obesity. The health benefits of squash are numerous. This vegetable is high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Summer varieties have a soft peel, whereas winter varieties have a hard shell. Winter varieties are high in vitamin C and manganese, both of which are essential for the body’s healthy functioning. The squash family includes pumpkins, acorn, butternut and spaghetti squashes. Winter squashes are the only ones that have a hard shell and require pre-roasting or boiling before eating.

Summary: Squash is the best vegetable that can help you stay healthy in the summer or winter. It contains antioxidants, which may help lower blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is healthy for a diabetic person. It contains Oleic Acid, a type of monounsaturated fat that has been shown to improve glycemic management, reduce fasting and post-meal triglyceride levels, and have antioxidant properties. This kind of fat also helps lower the risk of heart disease.

Olive oil is not just a tasty way to add flavour to your dishes. Olive oil is packed with the antioxidant polyphenols, which help decrease inflammation in your body, lowers blood pressure, protect the cells lining your blood vessels, and keep your “bad” cholesterol from becoming damaged by oxidation.

Summary: Extra-virgin olive oil is a healthy choice. It has healthy oleic acid for blood pressure and antioxidant polyphenol to protect the heart.

Oats and whole grains

While type 2 diabetes can be difficult to manage, it’s important to know the right foods you should avoid. One great tip is to switch from eating refined grains, such as white bread and pasta, to eating healthier alternatives like whole-wheat bread and brown rice. Whole grains are high in fiber and phytonutrients that help your body regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, eating a diet high in refined grains may cause insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. Switching to whole-grain products can reverse this condition and help control blood sugar levels.

Summary: Wholegrain foods help manage diabetes as the high fiber content regulates blood sugar levels.


New research indicates that nuts can improve blood glucose levels, which may also help people with diabetes improve their heart health. All types of nuts contain fiber and protein to help you stay feeling full and satisfied. In addition, research has shown that various nuts can help reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar, HbA1C and LDL concentrations in people with a certain diet.

Nuts are high in calories, so it’s important to measure out your portions beforehand. For example, one serving is about 24 almonds, 12 macadamia nuts, or 35 peanuts.

Summary: Nuts are a healthy addition to any diet. They are high in fiber and can help lower blood sugar levels & reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol.


Strawberries are a delicious fruit, and they’re also quite nutritious. It contains an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which scientists have found effective in lowering cholesterol and insulin levels after a meal. In addition, strawberries contain polyphenols, which are beneficial plant compounds with antioxidant properties. Researchers discovered that polyphenols in strawberries and cranberries could improve insulin sensitivity in adults with overweight and obesity who didn’t have diabetes. Berries rank at the top of all fruits and vegetables in total polyphenol content, with a higher concentration than blueberries and green tea.

Summary: Strawberries are nutritious fruits that have strong anti-inflammatory properties and may help people with insulin resistance.

Leafy Greens

An individual with diabetes have a greater need for vitamin C. Increasing your intake of vitamin C in a diet can be beneficial in many ways. Vascular inflammation decreases, the body’s capacity to generate nitric oxide increases, so it can’t make more “bad” LDL cholesterol from HDL cholesterol when there is enough vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory qualities. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. Increasing dietary intake of vitamin C-rich foods can help people with diabetes increase their serum vitamin C levels, leading to better glycemic control.

Leafy green vegetables are a great choice when looking for a healthy diet. They’re low in calories and carbs and high in vitamins A, C, K, folate, magnesium, potassium and calcium. These vegetables are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin which are an antioxidant that may help prevent certain types of cancers. These anti-oxidants also help protect the eyes from diabetic complications like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Summary: Leafy greens are low in calories, but they are also packed with healthy ingredients like vitamins A, C, E, K, magnesium and antioxidants, which can help with heart and eye health.

Shirataki Noodles or Rice

Shirataki noodles and Shirataki rice can be a blessing to people with diabetes and weight management. These noodles are made up of two key ingredients: Konjac, a fiber that aids in digestion and provides essential nutrients, and shirataki, which comprises the root vegetable konjac that has been processed into noodles or rice. Glucomannan is a type of viscous fiber found in konjac root. It can help you feel full and satisfied with less food, which is an advantage for trying to lose weight.

More, studies show it can reduce blood sugar levels after eating and help improve important health factors like heart disease risk. For example, a recent study found that glucomannan significantly reduces fasting blood glucose levels in people with diabetes & people with metabolic syndrome.

However, these noodles typically come in a liquid that has a fishy odour. To avoid this, it is best to really rinse the noodles and cook them for several minutes over high heat without adding any other ingredients.

Summary: Shirataki noodles are made of glucomannan which can make you feel fuller for longer while also helping to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


Eggs seem to have a positive correlation with diabetes control. A recent study found that eating a high-fat, low-carb breakfast of eggs could help individuals with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels throughout the day. In addition, older research has linked egg consumption with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and improved insulin sensitivity.

Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals. They help keep you full and satisfied between meals which are perfect for weight loss. As discussed earlier, eggs are also a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two important nutrients to maintain healthy vision. In addition, the dietary cholesterol found in eggs may help reduce your risk of heart disease in several ways. Eating eggs can help decrease inflammation, regulate insulin levels, and increase your HDL cholesterol levels. Eating eggs also make your LDL cholesterol smaller and rounder – giving it the ability to break down successfully.

A more recent review of controlled studies found that consuming 6 to 12 eggs per week as part of a nutritious diet did not increase heart disease risk factors in those with diabetes. What’s more, the study found that eggs actually lowered other heart disease risks. Whole eggs are better than just egg whites since most of the benefits come from the yolk.

Summary: Eggs are a versatile, affordable, and nutritious food that can be cooked in various ways. They may help regulate cholesterol levels and blood sugar, protect your eyes from degeneration and make you feel full longer.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a wonderful food for a person with diabetes. They’re extremely high in fiber yet low in digestible carbs. In fact, 11 of the 12 gms of carbs in a standard 28gms serving of chia seed are fiber, meaning just 1 gram is digestible. Chia seeds are also one of the highest plant sources of Omega-3s on the planet. Chia seeds are packed with fiber, which can be very beneficial for those with diabetes or trying to manage weight. According to researchers at the University of Sydney, the viscous fiber found in chia seeds can slow down the rate at which food moves through your gut and is absorbed. This results in a slower rise in blood sugar levels after eating.

Chia seeds have also been shown to help reduce blood pressure and inflammatory markers, making them an excellent natural choice for anyone looking to improve their health.

Summary: Chia seeds contain lots of fiber, which can help you lose weight. They also keep up blood glucose levels which may be good for people with diabetes.


Flaxseeds are incredibly healthy food. It has a high content of heart-healthy omega-3 fats, fiber, and other unique plant compounds. A portion of their insoluble fiber is made up of lignans. Lignans can be converted to a type of plant estrogen called enterolactone in the intestinal tract. The lignan content in flaxseed is linked to reducing cancer risk, hormone imbalances, and inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

A study involving participants with prediabetes found that a daily intake of flaxseed powder may result in lower blood pressure. In addition, flaxseeds are beneficial for your heart and gut health. However, your gut can’t absorb whole flaxseeds, so you should either purchase ground seeds or grind them yourself.

Summary: Adding flaxseeds to your diet may be beneficial in reducing inflammation, lowering your risk of heart disease, decrease your blood sugar levels, and improve insulin sensitivity.


Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables around and can be cooked in a variety of ways. Half a cup of broccoli contains just 27 calories & 3g carbs while also containing key nutrients such as Vitamin C and magnesium. Broccoli is also another good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that helps prevent eye diseases.

A study at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center found that broccoli may help manage blood sugar levels. Another study at China Medical University found it may also help to lower insulin levels and protect against cellular damage. What’s more, a study in people with diabetes has found that eating broccoli may help protect against cellular damage. Finally, another study found that consuming broccoli sprouts could reduce blood glucose by 10%. It’s likely this is due to properties in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and sprouts.

Summary: Broccoli is a healthy food choice. It has few carbs, and you can get in lots of nutrients in each serving. In addition, studies suggest it may help to protect against diabetes.


Beans are cheap, nutritious, and super healthy. It is a legume rich in B vitamins, beneficial minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium), and fiber. They also have a very low glycemic index which helps with blood sugar management. This makes beans a great food choice to help prevent diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Researchers found that those with diabetes who ate one cup of legumes daily for three months had greater decreases in hemoglobin A1c values and systolic blood pressure than those who did not. This is due to the high fiber content of legumes. It can slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and improve vascular health. Lentils, beans and chickpeas are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index.

They are hugely popular and can be used in many different dishes. Buying canned beans will allow you to get dinner on the table quickly. If you buy low-salt beans, it will help protect your heart health too.

Summary: Beans are a cost-effective and nutritious option for people with diabetes.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers many health benefits. It’s made from apples, but the sugar in the fruit is fermented into acetic acid, which has almost no carbs per tablespoon. ACV has been used for centuries to improve health and well-being. The acetic acid in ACV can help control blood sugar levels, beneficial for people with diabetes. ACV can also be used to soothe a sore throat, reduce heartburn, increase energy levels, and provide relief from allergies. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural remedies for improving your health. It can help with weight loss, heart health, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.

Summary: Adding apple cider vinegar to the daily diet in a limited quantity may improve fasting blood sugar levels along with other health benefits.


Garlic is a powerhouse of nutrition. The bulb of garlic contains all of the minerals essential for humans to function, such as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. For its tiny size and low-calorie count, garlic is incredibly nutritious. In addition, research indicates that garlic contributes to improved blood glucose management, can help regulate cholesterol and help reduce inflammation. Garlic also has anti-inflammatory qualities. In addition to these benefits, garlic is low in calories and offers a variety of health benefits.

Summary: Garlic can help lower blood sugar, inflammation & blood pressure in people with diabetes.


There are so many herbs and spices that can be used to flavour your food without adding any unhealthy sodium levels. A low-sodium diet is important to keep your blood pressure in check. Cinnamon is a spicy, fragrant spice that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Studies have shown that it can reduce not only blood sugar levels but also increase insulin sensitivity. It can lead to more stable energy levels and overall happier life.

Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in the world. It can be added to everything from apple pie to lentil soup. . All because it has shown an effective increase in insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar. But, of course, the best way to get your daily dose is by sprinkling some on your oatmeal or yogurt for a heart-healthy breakfast with a little kick!

Summary: A pinch of cinnamon can help in keeping blood sugar levels under control

Conclusion: Most people know that diabetes can lead to problems with the heart, blood pressure, eye health etc. Studies have shown that an increasingly large number of people with type 2 diabetes are developing heart disease. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in modern times. So it’s imperative to understand how diabetes can affect your heart health. Keeping your blood glucose levels in the desired range is important, which is why it’s important to make healthy food choices. Make sure you jot down above mentioned foods for diabetes for futurre reference. You might need to lose excess weight to do this.